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Children Looked After Service Event 'Just Do it'
Published on 31/07/2024
All set up here at the Children Looked After Service event 'Just Do It' at Niagara Co …
Senior Orchestra plays on the Mainstage of Tramlines Festival 2024!
Published on 30/07/2024
What a day yesterday was! Our very own Senior Orchestra were lucky enough to play on …
Ian Naylor talks about the joy of learning a musical instrument
Published on 27/07/2024
Learning to play a musical instrument is one of the most rewarding things you can do …
Exposed Magazine Studio Orchestra Tramlines Feature
Published on 25/07/2024
Young musicians from Sheffield Music Hub’s Senior Orchestra prepare to play Sar …
Closed for the School Holidays
Published on 19/07/2024
The Music Hub office, instrument stockroom (except for w/c 29th July)  and phone …
Instrument Returns
Published on 18/07/2024
If you have now stopped lessons and have one of our hire instruments, these now need …
Monster in the Maze - Youth Chorus
Published on 17/07/2024
Do you want to join the Youth Chorus for the ground breaking Opera Production Monster …
Music for Youth - Proms at the Royal Albert Hall
Published on 17/07/2024
South Yorkshire Orchestral Collective – Royal Albert Hall – Music for You …
Monster in the Maze - Senior Strings
Published on 16/07/2024
Do you play a string instrument at grade 6+ level?Do you want to join the orchestra …
TRACKS - Summer Holiday Course (1st August)
Published on 15/07/2024
Tracks Summer Holidays Course - for those eligible for free school mealsThursday 1s …