New Music Groups & Update for September 2023

Published on 27/07/2023

What an amazing year of music making we have shared together! Having hosted around 50 concerts, events and workshops over the academic year we have reached more children and young people in Sheffield than ever before. All our groups are now finished for the summer holidays and rehearsals start back w/c 11th September.

We try to film as many of our events as possible so subscribe to our YouTube channel here so you are notified when we upload more videos of these over the summer.

You can find the rehearsal weeks calendar with the years events listed here (please put these in your diary but be prepared that they could change) and a list of all our music groups here including the following new groups:

Let’s Make Music! – Y1 & Y2

Learn to Play Recorder – Y2+

Learn to Play Guitar! – Y3+

Electric & Steel String Guitars – Y6

Intermediate Guitars (acoustic) - Y6+

Senior Brass – Grade 5+

If you would like to join another group you will need to Apply online  (You will be taken to our Eepos website and then you should sign in with the blue button and select ‘Music Groups – Application and Amends’ or if you can’t sign in click 'Apply as New Student').

Once again thank you for your support over what has been an amazingly musical year and we look forward to seeing you all back in September.