Ben Bartholomew (Guitar)
"Hello there. My name is Ben Bartholomew. I am a creative musician. This means I write, record and perform my own music. It’s a little bit different to performing music written by somebody else. That said, I do use other people’s music as a starting point when playing Jazz. I have studied music academically to degree level. I also teach music. I have over 20 years of experience in teaching the guitar to primary school age children. One of my first guitar pupils who started when she was in year 2 is now a teacher in a primary school! I have worked in a variety of educational settings in this time: from year 1 to adults, in Special Educational Needs schools and with children not currently in mainstream education. My teaching practice has specialised over this time towards nurturing the best musical, technique and creative outcomes for primary years 3 – 6. Using my skills as a studio musician and arranger I use music technology in my lessons to help grow meaningful musical progression through practical music making.”
Director of: Learn To Play Guitar
- Favourite song/piece of music: The silly songs I make up and sing to my dog.
- Favourite thing to do outside of work: Exercise.
- Favourite food: Mum’s cooking.
- Favourite place in Sheffield: Whirlow woods.
- One thing about me that would surprise you to know: An Electro-Acoustic sound composition of mine was once used to open a BBC Radio 1 program on Extreme Music. “This is extreme music…”
Hints and Tips
All of our 'Hints and Tips' for guitar instruments can be found in our 'Guitar - Instrument tips' section of our YouTube channel, where you can also find all of our Music Leaders 'Hints and Tips'.
Daily Scale Improvisation at a Walking Pace

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