Out of the Ark/Sparkyard Music
Sparkyard - A visionary approach to primary education.
Let singing transform your school!
Out of the Ark believes that singing changes children's lives and has a profound impact on learning and wellbeing. Sparkyard is a subscription service from Out of the Ark, which gives primary school teachers nearly 1000 songs, and countless resources to allow those songs to be used in every part of a school's life: in curriculum lessons to support learning, in assemblies to develop community, in classrooms and playgrounds to enhance wellbeing, and much more. It also features an innovative, flexible, skills-based primary music curriculum designed to enable every primary teacher to feel confident teaching music - whatever their experience level.
Sparkyard was named as the “Outstanding Music Education Resource” at the 2023 Music and Drama Education Awards.
Sheffield Music Hub use Sparkyard in our delivery, and through the partnership between us and Out of the Ark, primary schools in Sheffield are able to access a 30% discount on a subscription to Sparkyard.
To find out your code please email MusicHubProjects@sheffield.gov.uk

- Email:
music@outoftheark.com - Telephone:
02084817200 02084817200 - Website:
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