Music for Children who are Looked After

Music plays an important role in all of our lives and we are committed to ensuring that any Child who is Looked After is given the chance to learn, play and explore music in a way that suits their needs. In partnership with the Sheffield Virtual School, Sheffield Music Hub offers a variety of fully funded activities including instrumental lessons, instrument hire and music group places for Children who are Looked After.

Click here to apply for lessons for a child who is looked after.

Click here to apply for a music group place for a child who is looked after. When filling out the form please make sure you tick the box that you are applying for a free place for a looked after child.

We also run an alternative provision and an after school group specifically for children in care with our partner organisation, TRACKS at Sheffield Music School. For any questions about these opportunities or anything else, please email or call Heather Burge on 07815 003 612.

If your child is post CLA (adopted or permanently living with other relatives) then please contact your school/education setting to discuss what options are available to you.