Privacy Statement

Sheffield Music Hub, Sheffield City Council - Privacy Statement

How we will use your information:

When parents and carers sign up for a musical service or event, we ask for your: name, address, telephone numbers, bank details,

We ask for your child name, date of birth, gender, ethnicity, health, special educational needs.

We use this information for these purposes:

  • deliver an effective musical education service to you and your child/young person, who we treat as a “member” of the Music Hub.
  • ensure that we fulfil our legal obligations (Safeguarding and Health & Safety).
  • maintain and update your customer records.
  • contact you when we need to, which could be about your child’s musical progression, billing for lessons, hire of a musical instrument or your attendance at music groups and events.
  • obtain your feedback about our services.
  • celebrate the progress your child / young person is making

Your child’s data, where necessary, will be passed onto your child’s Music Teacher in order to enable the service to which you have signed up.

Digital Media:

Sheffield Music Hub will also create digital recorded media (including film, photos, audio) throughout the year to document special events, promote Music Hub activities, provide evidence for funders and funding applications, contribute to evaluations, inform parents/carers of a child’s activity when away from home on Music Hub trips, celebrate the diversity of members and musical genre and promote membership.

This media may be shared in the public domain over social media and our website.

These are legitimate interests pursued by the Music Hub and do not override the rights and freedoms of our members. We have published an assessment of these interests alongside this privacy notice.

Concerts and events:  It is expected that parents and carers will be able to take recorded media of their child in performance with other children at publicly advertised events for their personal and private use. 

How we will share your information:

The personal data of parents/carers and children/young people may be shared with the following organisations in order for Sheffield Music Hub to deliver and promote the services that you have signed up for:

  • Eepos (our database partner).
  • Accredited Teachers - if the lessons you have applied for are delivered by an accredited teacher.
  • Other Sheffield City Council departments – this will include Sheffield Children’s University & Sheffield City Council Child Licensing Team.

If you are applying for additional funding for your child’s musical journey (e.g., Musical Stars/ Awards for Young Musicians) it is expected that we will need to share personal data with the funding bodies to access the funding.

Sheffield Music Hub reports annually to Arts Council England and the Department for Education on the Music landscape in Sheffield. This information will not include any specific identifiable personal data.

How long will your information be kept:

The information we collect from you will be kept for 7 years after you leave the Music Hub, when it will be deleted. Social media posts containing your image will remain indefinitely.

What are your rights?

You have rights under Data Protection law. For further details about Sheffield City Council’s Privacy Notice, your rights, the contact details of our Data Protection Officer and your right to make a complaint. Please see: